Good to know

Before tattooing


In case of any illness or concerns regarding your state of health, the date of tattooing must be rescheduled. Your body is weakened at this time, which affects the tattoo and significantly worsens the final result (the design will not heal well). Even a simple cold or cough is a problem. Please be sure to let me know even if you only feel slightly unwell and feel that you are going to be sick.



During menstruation, the skin is usually more sensitive, swells faster, and washes out the ink. It is not recommended to get a tattoo at this time. We should rather find a new date so that we don’t have to pause the process if there’s a problem.


Sensitive places

Certain areas of the body take up ink less efficiently, therefore, are more likely to fade. You should consider carefully how much you want to get a tattoo at these places, as multiple corrections may be required here (e.g. feet, ankles, knees, fingers, elbows)


Skin preparation

It helps a lot for the final result if we properly care for our skin in the days before the tattooing. It is worth removing the dead skin layer with body scrub and treating the affected area with body lotion.


Get a good night’s sleep

If you have the chance, take a rest and have a good sleep before it. Your body will be grateful.


Hydration and food

It is very important to drink an appropriate amount of water in the few days before getting a tattoo. If your skin is dry, it will be more difficult to tattoo, which will increase the tattooing time. The recommended daily amount is at least 2 liters of water. On the day of the tattoo, bring yourself some snacks that will raise your blood sugar level. Be sure to eat something before you come, don’t arrive on an empty stomach.


Alcohol, caffeine

Do not drink alcohol the night before the tattoo, or drinks containing caffeine (including energy drinks) right before the tattoo. Alcohol and caffeine have an effect on the tattoo, the ink is rejected and it will not heal properly. In addition, with a hangover, your body is more tired and your pain tolerance will be much lower.



Please arrive at your appointment in clothes that are comfortable and in which I can easily access the area to be tattooed. Feel free to bring a change of clothes, which you don’t mind becoming stained. It is possible to change clothes.



If you wish, you can bring 1 person to accompany you, but please let me know in advance. During the duration of the tattoo, the person can wait for the process in the rest area created for them.


Arrive on time

Please do not arrive even 20 minutes earlier to your appointment, as I aspire to spend this time usefully with the preparations, and it is possible that I have not finished with the previous guest. Of course, the same applies to being late. If you are too late, we may have to postpone the tattooing session.


Age limit

At BlackNoise Tattoo Studio, tattoos are made exclusively for adult guests. If you would like me to create a tattoo for you, consider your idea carefully and by the time you turn 18, we will perfect the design that you will wear happily for life.


Pregnancy, breastfeeding

It is not recommended to get a tattoo during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is safest for both the baby and the mother to wait until the end of pregnancy and/or breastfeeding.

After tattooing

The course of healing

The total healing time for tattoos is usually 6 weeks (with a healthy immune system). The healing rate and time required for completed tattoos always depend on the individual, but I will describe the general healing process below:


Fresh tattoo

Redness usually occurs around the completed tattoo in the first few days, this is a completely normal reaction. In the first 1-2 days, the ink mixed with blood plasma forms a slimy, blood-like mixture, and the ink leaks through the wound. This is completely normal, as this is how the wound is cleansed and the healing process begins. The area around a fresh tattoo may swell (especially in the case of works with a larger surface), and in the first few days the tattoo will be sensitive, you may also feel slight pain, especially when touching it.


In the first 3-7 days

Gradually, the redness and swelling disappears, and the pain begins to subside. Depending on the immune system, scab formation begins within 3-5 days. By this time the leakage stops, as the scab is formed over the wound. From this moment on, the risk of infection getting into the wound is also significantly reduced. Then the tattoo will start to itch. It is forbidden to scratch the tattoo, this is the state when it is the most vulnerable in terms of the final result.


After 7-10 days

The redness has probably disappeared by then, and the swelling completely disappears. The tattoo is starting to peel. In this case, even larger pieces of ink can come off at the same time, this is completely normal. It is important not to scratch the tattoo now either.


After 14 days

The itching goes away, usually the skin peels off completely. Then the new skin layer begins to form. At this point, the tattoo will look faded, through the healing skin layer, but its surface is still shiny.


After 20 days

The shiny look is starting to wear off, but there may still be some brighter areas in certain places.


After 40 days

The formation of a new skin layer has taken place, and there are no longer shiny areas on the surface of the tattoo. A healed tattoo is always more faded than a freshly made one, because the ink is directly visible after the tattoo is finished, and in the case of a healed tattoo, we see the ink through the new layer of skin. Usually, depending on the skin tone, the tattoo loses 20-40% of its vibrancy, which is completely natural.


It’s important to know: sunbathing and tanning beds fade tattoos! Later, when sunbathing, the tattoo should be covered with sunscreen of at least SPF 50.


Ink ejection

Unfortunately, even in the case of tattoos made with the greatest care, it may happen that the body rejects the ink in some places. Our body defends itself against all foreign substances. If we get sick or if a wound occurs on the skin, the immune system tries to eliminate the weakened state and remove foreign substances. In such a case, subsequent correction is necessary. It is important that this is only possible when the tattoo has completely healed, after at least 6 weeks, when the surface of the tattoo is no longer shiny.


+36 70 / 420 7999


Pécs, Király u. 76.  Átrium üzletház (Nyitvatartás kizárólag előzetes bejelentkezés alapján.)